


alef      )
bet       b
gimel     g
dalet     d
he        h
waw       w
zayin     z
het       x
tet       +
yod       y
kaf       k
lamed     l
mem       m
nun       n
samek     s
ayin      (
pe        p
tsade     c
qof       q
resh      r
sin/shin  #
sin       &
shin      $
taw       t
patah           a
qametz          f
hireq           i
hireq yod      iy
segol           e
tsere           "
holam           o
holem waw      ow
qibbuts         u
shureq         w.

schwa           :
hateph-pathah  :a
hateph-qametz  :f
hateph-segol   :e

dagesh          .
ole             <
munah           ,
meteg           |
maqqeph         -
sof pasuq       ;
geresh          /
gershayim      //

TypeHebrew is an online Hebrew Beta Code to Unicode converter. When you type Beta Code into the grey box there, the site turns it into Unicode in the space above. If you click the "KEY" link, it will bring up CCAT's Beta Coding standard. To select all the Hebrew you've generated, click the "SELECT ALL" link.

The Hebrew typeface you see is SBL Hebrew, hosted locally with the help of Font Squirrel's brilliant webfont generator. The Beta Code is set in Raph Levien's Inconsolata and the interface in Huerta Tipográfica's Bitter, both served via Google Fonts. I'm also indebted to HTML5 Boilerplate, ZURB's jQuery TextChange Plugin, and Cloud9 IDE, which made building this site much easier. Finally, I want to acknowledge Randy Hoyt's TypeGreek and Logos Bible Software's Shibboleth, which inspired this project.

If you've found TypeHebrew helpful and would like to make a donation, just give something to the folks at St. Irenaeus Ministries.

Fork me on GitHub